Helping Entrepreneurs Succeed: Cyriac Roeding

by Scott Edward Walker on October 24th, 2013

cyriac roeding

To Our Clients & Friends: Welcome to our weekly series “Helping Entrepreneurs Succeed.”  Each week, we share a favorite video of a successful entrepreneur, investor or business leader on a variety of topics.  This week, we present Cyriac Roeding, co-founder and CEO of shopkick and a brilliant entrepreneur.

In this interesting five-minute clip (courtesy of Stanford University’s Entrepreneurship Corner), Cyriac shares some solid nuggets for entrepreneurs, including the following:

  • “I really think it’s great to build an awesome feature; I think it’s great to build a great product; it’s also great to build a great company. You have to decide as an entrepreneur which type you are – what do you want to do?”  (at 0:55)
  •  “The first thing that you need [to develop a business model] is an answer to the question:  ‘whose problem does this solve?’”  (at 1:41)
  • “If you’re trying to build a technology first and then find a problem to that solution, you have a problem.”  (at 1:53)
  • “It’s great to have a core technology, but it has to solve a real problem.”  (at 4:44)

I hope you enjoy it.  Cheers, Scott

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